the class with the mr burden

i loved this journey of being in religion. i had a great teacher who taught me alot about religion. that man was mr burden. he made education fun for me and my comrades. i love you mr burden canyou be my daddy 🙂 jokes ure my teach not my daddy . lol anyways where was i oh yea now i remember mr burden made education fun and we learnt alot about religion. he helped us find stuff and made assighnment easy:)

What it means to be in the catholic church in australia

As a part of the catholic church i have become more closer to god and had lernt to understand what it was like in the time of Jesus. the catholic church has tought me that there is good and evil in the world today and how we should forgive those who have sinned against you. as a part of the catholic church i am a part of a loving community dedicated to god and his followings.


as a teenager from a catolic primary school and a catholic high school i have learn t a lot about prayers and the church.